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Film director


Alleen op de Wereld/ Nobody’s Boy: Remi

2016| 20 X 10:00| Drama

Christmas feuilleton in 20 parts, based on the classic by Hector Malot.

Bouwdorp/Scrap Wood War

2014 | 01:29:00 | Drama

“Lord of the flies for kids” set on a summer camp. Two best friends become each others worst enemy.

Bon Voyage

2011 | 00:45:00 | Drama

Family film about a summer at home. When the “Verbeeks” find out grandfather didn’t inform them about his terminal illness they decide to stay home for the summer. Each member of the family goes through his own summer experience.

Doctor Cheezy

2011 | 8 X 25:00| Drama

Television series for kids. Five children escape from fat camp to get a hamburger. They get lost on their way to the Doctor Cheezy and become friends finding their way home.

Over Vis en Revolutie/ About Fish and Revolution

2008 | 00:10:00 | Drama

Short film about fishing, marriage, retirement and xenophobia.

Maybe Sweden

2006 | 01:26:00 | Drama

Five friends leave home for a reading holiday in the Spanish mountains. They get confronted with reality when Mira takes home two refugees on their way to Northern Europe.

Zucht/ Breath

2007 | 00:10:00 | Drama

Eric (12) goes for a swim with his best friend Sophie. Sophie wants to steady, but Eric has more interest in her father.

Mister Coconut

2016 | 00:25:00 | Drama

Scary movie for children. Elsa and Floor are best friends. On the moment the girls get caught while shoplifting, a mysterious man safes their lives. Hee seems very friendly but then a nightmare starts.

Au Cigogne!
2004 | 00:45:00 | Drama
A Dutch family on their last full day of their camping holiday in France. On the moment that nobody wants to join father Aad on the traditional hiking tour, everybody experiences their own adventure.

Film director

Margien Rogaar is a Dutch film director based in Amsterdam. She works on feature films as well as television drama. Her work focuses on the theme of growing up and getting wiser. After she graduated from the Netherlands Film Academy she worked on several shorts and single plays for the Dutch Television. Her short film Breath was selected for Cannes.

Together with theatre group Wunderbaum she made her first feature film Maybe Sweden, a film about five friends who come to Spain to read books in a holiday villa and get confronted with Ghanese refugees on their way to Europe. After that she directed Bon Voyage and Bouwdorp (Scrap Wood War/ Die Baumhauskönige).

Both are films she developed with scriptwriter Tijs van Marle and concentrate on the lives of children and their families. Bouwdorp had a German distribution in cinema.

Margien completed two television series for children. Doctor Cheesy is an adventurous story about five children who escape from fat camp in order to get a Hamburger. In 2016 she made Alleen op de Wereld, a contemporary Christmas feuilleton based on the book Sans Famille (Nobody’s Boy: Remi) by Hector Malot. Alleen op de Wereld is nominated for an Emmy Award.

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